Integration:Mobile apps and adobe target

Adobe Target is one of the solutions of the Adobe Marketing Cloud.It enables optimization and personalization of the content on websites, app and any device connected to the Internet.Activities can be further created from the activity console based on the requirements.

Alike DTM can be configured with the target tool to integrate with the websites, Adobe Mobile Services enable integration of the target(Analytics and Audience manager) with the mobile apps.

basic integration
Basic flow: App and Target


1) Should have access to adobe target standard or premium.
2) Should be provisioned for mobile services.
3) Should have already created mobile services app.
4) Should have already downloaded configured the corresponding SDKs with your mobile app.


1) Update the configured mobile services SDK app with the target client code.

 2) Download the Config file from this SDK app with the new target configuration and reconfigure your app.

And that's it......

Note: Above are the generic steps and will be performed just once and are not specific to use cases.To Implement any target use cases on the app the above two steps should have been completed successfully.

Sample use case:

A personalized message to be shown based on the landing page of the app(below login section) based on the user's countries.
The countries considered here are USA, Canada, India, and Australia.
If a user is from the USA the text "Login to avail exclusive offers for US customers"will be shown and for Indian user's "Login to avail exclusive offers for Indian customers" and so on and so forth for Canada and Australian users.

  1. Create USA, Canada, India and Australia audiences based on the Geolocation parameter within Target's Audience section.
  2. Create an X/T activity by name "Benefits" for example within the Target's activity console.This activity would be created for a local mbox by name "loginOffer" for example.
  3. Create 4 experiences USA, Canada, India and Australia for example within the Benefits activity.
  4. Create an HTML offer within each experience to render a custom string message.For example, for India experience, the offer would return a string"Login to avail exclusive offers for Indian customers".
  5. Map these experiences to the audiences created in 1.
  6. Configure the goal as required and activate the activity.
  7. Integrate the target API custom code on the app's landing page.
And now whenever a user opens the app, target API code is triggered for the "loginOffer" mbox.This, in turn, would trigger the Benefits activity and based on the user's location a particular experience would be rendered.

That's it for today. Should you wish to know about any topic in detail, comment below.


The contents of this blog are correct to the best of my Knowledge.Suggestions are welcome.
